IGE Performance Chemicals is a technology driven, chemical manufacturing and processing company and is an integral part of the Island Group global organization.

In addition to IGE Performance Chemicals' chemical manufacturing operation, our 45,000 sq. ft. Mountain Top, Pennsylvania facility possesses extensive Laboratory Testing and R&D capabilities, which enable us to research and custom synthesize laboratory samples, followed by scale-up chemical engineering capabilities for pilot production, and ultimately to large scale production (at one of our most suitable plants or affiliates.)
With our highly skilled personnel and extensive global R&D and manufacturing capabilities, we are able to respond rapidly to customers’ most demanding requirements and produce products that meet the needs and specifications of our customers.
Quality is at the heart of our operation. IGE Performance Chemicals adheres to high quality standards to ensure the highest quality to our customers.
IGE Performance Chemicals is committed to a clean environment and adheres to, all clean air and water environmental restrictions imposed at our manufacturing facilities.